I started this blog out of anger because I had never heard of Celiac Disease & even after seeing specialists & talking about my symptoms it was my own mother reading a newspaper article about a lady with Celiac Disease that finally led us to an answer. Where the doctors & specialists failed me the written word saved my life & turned everything around. I felt compelled to use that same written word to share & try to educate people.
The purpose of the blog was to be solely about eating gluten free & symptoms & struggles regarding a gluten free lifestyle but really if "Gluten Free, This is Me" says anything, it should be about me. I definitely still intend to post gluten free recipes but being gluten free is only one part of me. I'm also a wife & new stay at home mom of two little boys. My days are filled with both fun & chaos & sometimes I just have to share the humor. I'm also learning to be more thrifty & trying to find ways to save & earn money.
I feel it's my duty to share everything I learn with anyone who grants me the honor of reading what I have to say. I hope that you also get some laughs, find some good food & deals in the process.