Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thankful for my Gluten Free Thanksgiving

When I told my cousin that my test results were negative but I was going to stay gluten free anyway she said, “You have definitely got guts to do gluten-free through the holidays!” But you know what? It wasn’t bad at all. 

My Mom fixed most of the Thanksgiving dinner for my Dad’s side of the family. They cooked their stuffing separate from the turkey & she made sure what I could eat & what I couldn’t eat. She also tried a recipe from for a gluten free pumpkin pie. I guess my Mom has been talking to my Aunt too & maybe she’s even reading my blogs here, but she seems to have come to the conclusion that she probably has the same thing. Well she had gone shopping somewhere & I guess was looking at some of the gluten free items & bought a bag of Bob’s Red Mill Bread Mix. She made up 3 loaves of it & it actually wasn’t bad. 

So my Thanksgiving lunch consisted of turkey, sweet corn & some pieces of bread with butter, followed up with a little slice of pumpkin pie. I could only manage a small slice because I had too much bread haha. I’m not sure if it was that the bread really was that good or that after not having bread for several weeks it was just fantastic. Either way lunch was pretty darn good. 

After we had lunch at my grandparents we hung out for a little while but then headed off to my in-laws house. We had prepared for Thanksgiving with them by going shopping the weekend before & figuring out what we were going to get & trying to make sure most or at least something was gluten free for me. 

For dinner I had ham, followed by 2 bigger pieces of pumpkin pie. I guess it may not seem like much but I’ve always been a picky eater. Most of my holiday meals have mainly consisted of ham & croissant rolls. Sometimes I might eat a little stuffing or mashed potatoes or something but that’s usually it. I could have had mashed potatoes at my grandparents but it just didn’t sound good. My husband’s family always has yams & that’s not my thing. They also made a green bean casserole which I’m sure was gluten heavy but it didn’t matter to me because I never ate it in the past anyway. 

I was very happy & content for Thanksgiving. I’m sure that if I had really cared & we had tried we could have made a gluten free stuffing or some other dishes but I was perfectly happy with what I had. This Thanksgiving was truly one worth being thankful for. I know that we should always be thankful for what we have but sometimes things happen & you just don’t realize how lucky you are. This year I realize how lucky that I am. Not just because we’ve finally solved the mystery of what’s been wrong with me but because my family is so amazing. My husband is more than any woman could ask for, I am truly lucky to have him. My son is so adorable & smart & I am lucky to have him as well. My Mom has been so great & supportive through this whole thing. It’s great! I feel like we’re kind of bonding again. We have had & still have rocky moments & times but it’s been really good the past few weeks. My husband’s parents are also supportive & are trying to make sure that there is something gluten free for me to eat.

Thanksgiving never really had much of a personal connection to me but I have found that now & that’s another thing I have to be thankful about.

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