Monday, June 25, 2012

Constantly Changing & Evolving

I believe that as you live your life your priorities change as different things, people & events come & go. As a person I'm constantly changing, growing & evolving. Since my blog is basically about what happens in my crazy life & my thoughts & ideas about things, that means my blog is constantly changing with me.

After constantly battling against an overflowing email inbox with not much time or desire to work on whittling it down in the last few weeks I think I've decided that I'm mostly done with the giveaways.I think I might leave the Giveaways page at the top of my blog but I'll be renaming it & basically just leaving it there as a reference guide for people who are interested in learning how to get started winning things online. Since most of the people who seem to comment on my posts here or on Facebook don't seem to enter giveaways either I'm not sure if anyone was really even referring to that page & using it. Why should I put the time & effort into something that no one seems to be using?

I have more than enough projects on my plate to do & I have a hard enough time keeping up with all of those things. If I'm not really going to be entering the giveaways myself anymore then what's the point?  Don't get me wrong. I love to win stuff & I have a pretty good track record of winning stuff ($15 in Amazon codes, probably 12-15 books either hardcopy or kindle version, coupons, hair accessories, my designer diaper bag & my Rubbermaid 2 in 1 Recycler. I'm sure I'm forgetting somethings but that's a lot of stuff in 6-7 months time) but it does take a lot of time to enter the giveaways. I used to have plenty of time because I was usually stuck on the couch several hours a day with Kaden in my lap. Now he's spending more time playing on the floor & with his toys. Plus I'm not nursing him as much because having surgery each time this year has damaged my milk production. He only nurses maybe twice a day usually as a follow-up an hour or two after his solid food.

This all actually works out pretty well for me though because I keep finding other things to do so I'm always busy. Since I've been doing a lot better in the last few months I've been doing so much more around the house. I have a weekly cleaning day where I try to get most of the house work done (aside from trying to keep the kitchen cleaned up all week). I usually do a little grocery shopping & I also have my new jewelry making hobby. Since I earn Amazon giftcards from SuperPoints & Swagbucks I've still been trying to keep up with them as well.

Plus as you can tell I've actually been writing more in the last week or two & I'm really enjoying it. I feel like since I'm not trying to separate sections of my life that I have so much more to say & share. Speaking of I'm sure I'll be sharing more posts this week.

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